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Waking the Mystic

The Truth is Hidden in Plain Sight

Move beyond the ordinary and discover the extraordinary

About Susan

Susan is a certified Holistic Health Coach, Author, Metaphysician and Conscious Channel. She owns and operates New Insights Boutique, a Metaphysical store and Center for Conscious living in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Her exploration into the nature of reality began 25 years ago and has led to her own spiritual awakening.

  Susan shares the complexities both mentally and physically that can occur during a spiritual awakening and provides a context for those that are awakening to find both individual and community support.

New Insights Metaphysical Boutique and Center for Conscious living offers many healers, psychics, group workshops, development circles along with a large selection of tools to support the awakening journey. Please visit:


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Under the deep layers of conditioning lies a multifaceted perfect diamond awaiting to be discovered. It is here you will discover who you are, who you have always been and who you will always be.

When was the last time you gazed in the mirror and said how much you love and appreciate the reflection looking back at you?

- Susan J Bucur

Waking the Mystic

About the Book: Waking the Mystic

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Waking the Mystic

What if you knew that everything was always all right?

What if you knew that life is a continuous journey that never ends?

What if the truth was in hidden plain sight?


Join author Susan Bucur as she tells the story of her life as a bereaved daughter, a struggling mother with a disabled daughter, and a frightened parent of a mass shooting in her home town of Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  She begins an exploration into the depths of suffering which leads her into the joy of life.   

Waking the Mystic? is a love story – the love of a child and most importantly, the unconditional love of self. This is the exploration into the nature of reality and what it means to live consciously on an individual and collective scale. Susan investigates how the mind restricts our ability to live authentically and how we can navigate life in a rapidly expanding universe. 

This heartfelt story will have you begin to question your own perspectives and beliefs about life and your place in the universe, simply through being quiet and listening.

Book a Appointment

Book an Appointment

 "Susan Sessions" can support you on your life path by expanding your current understanding of reality, broadening your ability to co-create with a renewed sense of your own personal power and the ability to manifest the best version of who you are. Susan can provide pointers toward your own discovery of your true nature.


With an open heart you will reclaim what are your own innate abilities and apply these concepts into your everyday life. From a broader perspective you can free yourself from self imposed limitations and gain clarity and insights using your own guidance system for support and development.

Spiritual Coaching - 60 minutes - $125.00 

 Tarot Readings -    45 Minutes - $75.00

Sessions are conducted via zoom or can be arranged in person. 

To book an appointment, email:



Blog 1

The Cosmic Link

These pages are a dialogue between myself and the greater reality during deep meditation.  Through quieting the mind and connecting with our true essence we gain deep insights and expand our awareness while experiencing the infinite truth of who we are.

Vlog 3



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